Published: October 06, 2016
Masbia of Queens is urgently looking to open its new facility and needs your help in order to do so. Currently, we are operating in an abbreviated form out of a van in front of the old location, which is becoming increasingly difficult. With the increase in demand, we need more capacity rather than less. Masbia has been unable to open the new site due to lack of financing. The sooner Masbia raises the necessary funds, the sooner it can open. In order to raise the money for renovations and operational costs, Masbia is offering dedication opportunities. Please see the dedication options in this brochure for sponsorship at various levels, from $25 in monthly installments to $180,000.
Instructions: Each dedication description is numbered and correlates to the number on the master dedication plaque, which provides a full explanation of how each item will be used by the soup kitchen as well as its biblical source. The campaign invites contributors to participate by conventional donations, installment programs or online via a crowd funding platform, enabling them to invite a larger audience to partake in this incredible mitzvah. For more information please contact Masbia's executive director, Alexander Rapaport at 718-972-4446 x201 or email to [email protected]